# Debug
Debug enables to dump information about errors that may be affecting the software functionality. If Chevereto-Free isn't working properly you must start debugging it.
# Configuring debug
Debug can be configured using environment variables or using the settings file.
# Debug level
Depending on your work context you may need to configure debug accordingly.
Error level >= 2 is not recommended for production environments. Is not safe to print the errors to the screen, handle it with care.
Level | Description |
0 | No debug |
1 | Debug to log_device |
2 | Print errors (no logging) |
3 | Print errors and log to log_device |
or add the following to your app/settings.php
$settings['debug_level'] = 3;
# Log device
Configure your own error log device to control where the logs will be sent. If you don't alter this it will fallback to the default system log device.
Containers will always log to /dev/stderr
regardless this setting.
or add the following to your app/settings.php
$settings['error_log'] = 'log_device';
# Accessing logs
To access logs you will need to know first the location for those. If you don't configure debug Chevereto-Free will follow the default error_log (opens new window) handling configured for your PHP installation.
# Where are the default logs?
This vary a lot depending the server provider and how PHP runs in the server. In doubt, check first with your service provider.
- Logs by default at
- Logs by default at
- Apache
- Logs by default at
- Virtual host directive defines custom error log location
- Commonly configured for
- Logs by default at
- Logs by default at
- Server block defines custom error log location
- Commonly configured for
- Logs by default at
- cPanel
- Logs by default at
(parent ofpublic_html
folder) - Vary a lot from providers and cPanel version
- Logs by default at
- Docker
- Logs to
- Logs to
# I can't find the logs
You can configure debug_level
>= 2 but note that such error reporting level could compromise your installation. Restrict any public access to your website and revert back to debug_level=1
as soon as possible.
# Reading logs
Logs can be easily accessed by direct file access or by running commands accordingly.
# Error reporting
Not for production!
Enable this is recommended only in development environments.
To enable printed error reporting you will need to go to system settings. By enabling this all the runtime errors will be printed which means that they will be visible.
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